This is the puzzle in my weekly Sunday column in the Avalanche Journal. It is White to move. Can you find the solution in 5-10 seconds or less?
My full column can be read here.
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
This is the puzzle in my weekly Sunday column in the Avalanche Journal. It is White to move. Can you find the solution in 5-10 seconds or less?
My full column can be read here.
took me more like 30
b3 to defend the checkmate threat!
Not sure whether it was less than 5 seconds, but it was less than half minute…
1. Rf7+ Kxf7 2. Qe7#
yesterday, i couln’t. Today it’s ok for me.
It took me 7 seconds to find Rf7 to clear e7 square for queen. Give me a break I just woke up!
Rf7 is automatic mate.
Took like 20 or 30 seconds, though.
How about this…
How about this?
Took me a bit more since I first looked at Re8 first. But Rf7 was the next look.
30 sec. too 🙂
How about this?
First: Qf6 isnt a mate.
2.Qf6+ Qf7
3.Qd6+ Qe7
4.Qxe7# now its mate.
1.Rxb7 ?? axb2+
2.Kb1 Ra1#
.. bad news for white 🙂
It took me half an hour….