There have been a number of upsets after only 2 rounds. But the biggest one came in the first round when FM Thorfinnsson, Bjorn 2364 defeated GM Wang, Yue 2698!
Here is the official website with excellent information.
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Bjorn is a tricky player and he followed up the awesome win by drawing with black against GM Moradiabadi from Iran.
Also I would like to point out that the talented 13 year old IM from USA, Ray Robson, was invited to the tournament and after an easy win against a weaker player in round 1 then he made a draw against the world junior champion, GM Ahmed Adly from Egypt, in round 2. Actually Ray was trying hard to win, it was the longest game in round 2. Also the American born supertalent GM Fabiano Caruana is playing in the tournament and has 2 out of 2 as expected.
This might become a very special tournament, indeed.
Cool.Good post.I like this blog.
I can’t find the page to download the pgn file, with the games.
Does anyone know the link?
the official site doesnt have a pgn file- all you can see are the top 6 boards live each day which sucks- i’d like to see the games
Sorry guys! But I know for a fact that the games should be published on the website soon and regularly from now on.
hope they present all matches, not only top 6
Round 1 is now ready at the official tournament website and Round 2 should be available later today. There are two 13 year old girls now in charge of this and they will catch up soon 🙂 They didnt start until round 2 was over so I hope you will have patience.