Auction for Charity

We have just placed an autographed Eagles guitar on eBay. It will be on for seven day. Tell your family and friends.

Steven N. Pearson
Executive Director
Point Hope Foundation

Point Hope

Point Hope is a charity organization that aspires to be the voice for forgotten children. One does not have to look farther than the end of their block, or the edge of their town, to find more than one forgotten child. Some children are brought into this world and are immediately thrust into the cold hands of state-sponsored foster-care programs. Others are brought into this world by well-meaning parents who lose their parental confidence, and give up all hope of preparing the child for the years ahead.

Outside of the United States, the number of children born into underdeveloped nations, where resources and money are scarce, are equally in need of strong advocacy to promote their health and development. Each example provides enough reason for Point Hope to exist as a beacon of caring and leadership for individuals who want to help as many children as possible realize their full potential. Point Hope’s mission is to provide long-lasting solutions that will benefit the forgotten children, and to be their voice, saying “Don’t forget about me; I am a person too!”

Point Hope website:

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