2008 O2C Doeberl Cup (Canberra, Australia)
Final Standings:
1. GM Akobian (USA, 2599) 7.5 points in 9 games
2-8. GM Zhang Zhong (CHN, 2617), GM Ganguly (IND, 2579), GM Jones (ENG, 2562), GM Gagunashvili (GEO, 2553), GM Antic (YUG, 2480), IM Solomon (AUS, 2468), IM Kizov (FRM, 2398) 6.5 (82 players)
Official website: http://www.doeberlcup.com.au/
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
I bet he broke 2600 after this tournament.
I am glad to hear about this. I really enjoy his online lectures on chess.fm, very clear and reasonably presented.
I am so glad our local GM did so good in the land down under!
I bet the Aussies offered him citizenship now. Well, why not? Akobian on board 1 for AUS in Dresden Olympiad!!!