Topalov has not signed contracts for the match with Kamsky and the World Mind Sports Games
Danailov informs in a short telephone call
Special report by has received a telephone call from Silvio Danailov with interesting information. Topalov’s manager claims that his client has not signed contracts for the match with Kamsky, nor for the World Mind Sports Games scheduled to take place this year in Beijing.

“Following the information that was published these days on your website, I have to inform that Topalov has not signed yet the contracts for the match with Kamsky. One for the WMSG in Beijing is also not present,” said Danailov. “The only sure participations for Veselin Topalov are in Villarrobledo and in the Grand Slam Final.”

With the FIDE President Kirsan Ilymzhinov guaranteeing the money and Lvov starting preparations for the match everything seemed calm. However, the call from Danailov brings up more questions about the status of the match. Topalov’s manager did not want to reveal more information in the short telephone call and confirmed he will say more after Villarrobledo is over.

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