About 175,000 of you joined me each day during the Sochi World Championship between Magnus Carlsen and Vishy Anand. I would like to thank ALL of you for being a part of my daily LIVE commentary on twitter, blog, and facebook. It was a pleasure sharing my love of chess with you. Thanks for your big support!

Now let me share with you my commentating philosophy for this World Championship and past events. Since I have taught students of all levels, from absolute beginners to 2750+, over the years, I understand different levels of chess.

I never assume that everyone understands everything. So I explain it in a simple way for everyone to understand. I also made a conscious effort to share the game/match psychology, game plans, and behind the scene approach which came from personal experience. I also want to stay engaged with the fans. I want the fans to have a unique understanding and feel of World Championship play.

My job is to be objective and point out the good, bad & ugly about all moves or game plans & not taking sides. This was how I approached doing commentary for this match and past events. Now you know the secrets 🙂

Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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