The Georgian Chess Federation sent an official bid for the Chess Olympiad 2018 and the World Cup 2017 to FIDE today, with all the necessary guarantees. Thanks to the personal efforts of the Deputy Minister of Sports and candidate...
FIDE President Ilyumzhinov: Anand one of the strongest and greatest players of modern times

Viswanathan Anand one of the greatest of modern times: FIDE presidentSusan Ninan, TNN | Apr 1, 2014, 01.22 AM IST CHENNAI: After losing his crown to challenger Magnus Carlsen without winning a single game on home turf in November...
5th International Chess Festival Terre degli Elimi

This summer in Sicily there will be a nice international chess festival – the 5th “Terre degli Elimi”. It will be one intense chess week in July. Erice is a magic ancient place and in the afternoons the players...
Anand: I am not thinking about Carlsen right now

Not Thinking About Carlsen Battle Right Now: VishyBy Ashok Venugopal – CHENNAIPublished: 01st April 2014 02:00 AMLast Updated: 01st April 2014 01:37 AM Viswanathan Anand is pleased as punch at having won the Candidates tournament and setting up a...
Karpos Open 2014 LIVE!
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Polish Championship LIVE!
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Cebanenko Memorial LIVE!
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Brilliant game saving tactic

White to move and draw. Source: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Vladimir Kramnik vs. Magnus Carlsen (Botvinnik Memorial 2011) … and more

Super-GM Morozevich Crushes the Caro-Kann – Presented by GM Damian Lemos Super-GM Morozevich Crushes the Caro-Kann – Presented by GM Damian LemosPosted on March 31,2014 By GM Damian Lemos in Strategy & Game Review, Chess Openings, All Articles w/...