3rd Chennai International Open Chess Tournament 17-26th January at the Jawaharlal Nehru Multipurpose indoor stadium, in Chennai, India The 3rd Chennai International Open Chess Tournament will take place from 17th to 26th January 2011 at the Jawaharlal Nehru Multipurpose...
19th Fajr International Chess Open Tournament
19th Fajr International Chess Open Tournament25th February to 7th March in Mashhad, northeastern Iran The Chess Association of “Khorasan-Razavi” province on behalf of I.R.Iran Chess Federation has the honor to invite all chess players from national federations to participate...
TCEC Division I update
N Engine Pts SB Ho R S Na I Cr H Sh 1 Houdini 1.5 16.0 48.5000 1 = 1= = = 1 1 2 Rybka 4.0 11.0 28.0000 0 0 1 = 1 = 1 3 Stockfish 2.0.1...
Negi in joint lead at Parsvnath
Parimarjan remains in joint lead in Parsvnath OpenThursday, January 13, 2011, 22:15 [IST] New Delhi, Jan 13 (PTI) Grandmaster Parimarjan Negiremained in joint lead after settling for a draw with LenicLuka of Slovenia in the eighth round of 9th...
Hess to take part in Moscow Open Young GMs
Moscow Open Young GrandmastersChessdom The traditional chess festival “Moscow Open” will be held from January 28th to February 7th, 2011, in the usual playing venue at the Russian State Social University (RSCU), 4 Pik street (metro Botanical Garden). One...
The annual SPWO will be in Chicago in 2011
Artwork by Mike Magnan The annual Susan Polgar World Open for Boys and Girls were held in Las Vegas for the past 5 years. Even though the event was very successful, many parents and coaches have asked to have...
Can you find the best continuation?
Black to move. How should Black proceed?Source: ChessToday.net Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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White to move. How should White proceed? 8/1p3q1k/p1p1r2p/2P1n1p1/P1p1P3/2B4P/5QP1/3R3K w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar