Round 2 results Caruana, Fabiano – Piscopo, Pierluigi 1-0 Godena, Michele – Ortega, Lexy ½-½ Dvirnyy, Daniyyl – D’Amore, Carlo ½-½ Bonafede, Alessandro – Genocchio, Daniele ½-½ Brunello, Sabino – Rombaldoni, Denis 0-1 Rombaldoni, Axel – Garcia Palermo, Carlos 0-1 Standings after 2 rounds 1-2. Garcia Palermo, Carlos g ITA 2465 2 1-2. Rombaldoni, Denis […]
Humpy dominates oldhands

Humpy has scored 4.5 / 5 so far against the Oldhands team in the Czech Republic. It looks like she is in good form for the upcoming Women’s World Championship. O1 O2 O3 O4 O1 O2 O3 O4 Total S1 Humpy Koneru 1 1 1 1/2 1 4,5 S2 Arianne Caoili 1/2 1 0 0 […]
Veteran Galliamova takes over Russian Women’s Championship lead

Round 8 results Kosintseva, Tatiana – Kosteniuk, Alexandra 1-0 Paikidze, Nazi – Galliamova, Alisa 0-1 Kosintseva, Nadezhda – Bodnaruk, Anastasia 0-1 Nebolsina, Vera – Girya, Olga ½ Gunina, Valentina – Shadrina, Tatiana 0-1 Matveeva, Svetlana – Pogonina, Natalija ½ Standings after 8 rounds 1. Galliamova, Alisa m RUS 2487 5½ 2-4. Pogonina, Natalija wg RUS […]
World Championship Candidates Matches

What is your prediction? Who will advance to the semifinal? Veselin Topalov – Gata KamskyVladimir Kramnik – Teimour RadjabovLevon Aronian – Alexander GrischukBoris Gelfand – Shakhriyar Mamedyarov Pick the winner Topalov Kamsky Pick the winner Kramnik Radjabov Pick the winner Aronian Grischuk Pick the winner Gelfand Mamedyarov Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Player’s contract for Participation in the Candidates Matches

Player’s contract for Participation in the Candidates MatchesKazan, Russia, 3 – 27 May 2011 The World Chess Federation (FIDE) is the governing body of the World Chess Championship cycle 2009-2011 and the Candidates Matches 2011 are an integral part of it (hereinafter referred to as the Candidates Matches). The Administrator of the 2011 Candidates Matches […]
FIDE President accepts congratulations

15 years of success: FIDE President accepts congratulationsWednesday, 24 November 2010 08:10 Kirsan Ilyumzhinov was elected President of FIDE at the Paris Congress on November 24th 1995. FIDE was going through a difficult period following a split in the World Championship, poor financial resources and still seeking full recognition by the International Olympic Committee. The […]
Twiiter and Facebook Update

Get up to date chess news and information on Twitter: Get up to date chess news and information on Facebook: and click the “like” button. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
The cost of bidding

November 24, 2010, 12:40 pm — Updated: 12:40 pm –>Auditor’s Report Says Turkish Federation Paid for Votes to Win 2012 Chess OlympiadBy DYLAN LOEB MCCLAIN A recent audit of the Turkish Chess Federation reported that the federation paid voters to help win an election for the right to host the Chess Olympiad in 2012. Rumors […]
An oldie chess tactic

Black to move. How should Black proceed? Source: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Upsets in 1st round at Italian Championship

1st round results: Garcia Palermo, Carlos – Brunello, Sabino 1-0 Rombaldoni, Denis – Piscopo, Pierluigi 1-0 Bonafede, Alessandro – Caruana, Fabiano ½ Genocchio, Daniele – Godena, Michele ½ D’Amore, Carlo – Rombaldoni, Axel ½ Ortega, Lexy – Dvirnyy, Daniyyl ½ Official website: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar