2010 U.S. Women’s Championship (Rd. 1) WIM Iryna Zenyuk 1-0 WGM Sabina Foisor (Former SPICE event participant)WFM Abby Marshall (Former SPNI 2-time Champion) 0-1 WIM Alisa Melekhina (Former SPNI Champion)WIM Beatriz Marinello 0-1 IM Irina Krush (SPICE Cup participant)WFM...
Germany or Uruguay?
Which team will win the Bronze? Germany or Uruguay? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Saturday Open Forum
The U.S. Women’s Championship and the U.S. Junior Championship are about to get underway. Two Susan Polgar National Invitational for Girls former co-champions, Alisa Melekhina and Abby Marshall are squaring off on the women’s side while 2 past participants...
Rybka 4 x64 4CPU vs. Stockfisk 1.8 x64 4CPU
Rybka 4 x64 4CPU vs. Stockfish 1.8 x64 4CPUInformation Time Control:120 Minutes For The First 40 Moves60 Minutes For The Next 20 Moves15 Minutes For The Rest+30 Seconds Added Per Move From Move 61 Misc:Opening Database: AH-48_Basic_Positions.pgn (24 Positions...
Exciting LIVE games – Greek Chess League
Live chess broadcast powered by ChessBomb and Chessdom The 38th edition of the Greek Chess League is taking place 5th – 11th of July, 2010, in Olympic Boxing Center, Peristeri. It is organized by the Greek Chess Federation, Pnevmatiki...
Complicated chess tactic
White to move. How should White proceed? Hint: This is a long and complicated one. No computer lines please! Source: ChessToday.net Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Grand prix plans scuppered
Fide’s grand prix plans scuppered by withdrawal of Magnus CarlsenLeonard BardenThe Guardian, Saturday 10 July 2010 The world chess body Fide’s plans for a grand prix tournament circuit were badly hit when its status as a world championship eliminator...
Rules and Conditions for the 2010 SPGI
About the 2010 Susan Polgar Girl’s Invitational (SPGI) Mikhail Botvinnik, one of the great world champions, said the following: “Chess is the art of analysis.” He also added: “Chess mastery essentially consists of analyzing chess positions accurately.” He’s correct....
A letter by Nick Faulks
The following letter was written by Mr. Nick Faulks to Chess Today (www.ChessToday.net), the first Daily Chess Newspaper on the net. It was published on issue CT-190 (3531) dated Friday, 9 July 2010. For those of you who have...
8th Silicon Valley Challenge
The 8th Silicon Valley Challenge which is hosted by y the Sun Chess Club will be coming this Sunday! The event will be held at Susan’s Dance Studio in NE San Jose. This year takes on a little more...