Chess-loving Marcellus 7-year-olds check out national competitionWednesday, January 30, 2008By Elizabeth Doran Staff writer They’re just 7 years old, but already the Riccardi triplets, of Marcellus, seem to have all the right moves. In December, the chess-playing trio of...
Giving back to the local community

Young chess player teaches at YMCAFree class starts Feb. 5, offers skills after schoolBY PATRICK JOHNSONAppeal TribuneJanuary 30For many people, the thought of chess teacher conjures the image of Ben Kingsley in the movie “The Search for Bobby Fischer.”...
New Fischer movie by Oscar winning director

Macdonald to direct ‘Bobby Fischer’Universal, Working Title ready for Slovo’s ‘War’By MICHAEL FLEMING Universal and Working Title partners Tim Bevan and Eric Fellner have tapped Kevin Macdonald to direct “Bobby Fischer Goes to War.” The drama about the upstart...
David vs Goliath?

4 days to go until Super Bowl XLII. One team has a perfect 18-0 record this season. The other team started the season with a 0-2 record. Will David have have a prayer or will it be a blow...
Lindsborg hosts national events

National Chess Championships Coming to Kansas ANATOLY KARPOV INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF CHESS106 South Main Street., Lindsborg, Kansas 67456785-227-2224Internet site: 29, 2008 Release: Immediate Contact: Tom Brownscombe 785-227-2224Brownscombe@anatolykarpovchessschool.orgor Wes Fisk National Chess Championships Coming to LindsborgLindsborg, Kansas will...
Must know endgame pattern

White to move. Can White save this game? 8/5pp1/4p2p/4P2P/5PP1/2k5/2p5/2K5 w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
One game for £12,000!

Entering the 10th and final round, only 6 players are still in the hunt for the title. Bu and Efimenko are leading by 1/2 point. First place prize is £12,000. Final round top 3 board pairings: 1 GM Bu,...
GM norms for Cmilyte, Zhao and Bellin

This is not official news yet but according to my calculation, IM Viktorija Cmilyte, IM Zong-Yuan Zhao and IM Robert Bellin earned GM norms in Gibraltar. One of the bloggers here said that it is Zhao’s 3rd and final...
Difficult stuff

White to move. What is the best continuation for White? Which side is better? 8/8/7p/2p5/2P1K3/1kP1P3/8/8 w – – 0 0 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Drama in Gibraltar

Position after the devastating 44.Bxa6! After performing over 3000 after 8 rounds, Bu overlooked a brilliant tactic and lost to Efimenko. They are now tied for first with 7.5 points with Victor Bologan, GN Gopal, Hikaru Nakamura, and Ni...