First of all, I must thank the organizers for this very special chess conference. We had some of the greatest minds in this area coming together to share knowledge and passion. It was well organized and the hospitality was wonderful. Secondly, the attendees and fellow lecturers were magnificent. I finally got to meet many other […]
Another chess trivia
Since many of you got the last one so fast, here is another one which is more difficult. Name these 5 very famous chess players. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
FIDE: No “dunderhead” allowed
FIDE ETHICS COMMISSIONCase N. 2/07JUDGEMENTrendered by theFIDE ETHICS COMMISSION sitting in the following composition Chairman: Mr. Roberto RivelloMembers: Mr. Ralph AltMr. Laurence BallMr. Dirk J.A. De RidderMr. Noureddine TabbaneMr. Ian Wilkinsonin the case“Mr. Nigel Short” (Complaint of Mr. Zurab Azmaiparashvili)concerning the following facts – Giving an interview to the Indian journalist Vijay Tagore, published on […]
Another rare 1972 poster
This is another rare 1972 poster which is being displayed at Aberdeen University Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
A rare 1972 poster
A rare poster being displayed at Aberdeen University Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
FIDE made rulings about Topalov and Danailov
FIDE ETHICS COMMISSIONCase N. 2/07JUDGEMENTrenderd by theFIDE Ethics Commission sitting in the following composition Chairman:Mr. Roberto RivelloMembers:Mr. Ralph AltMr. Laurence BallMr. Dirk J.A. De RidderMr. Noureddine TabbaneMr. Ian Wilkinsonin the case“World Championship in Elista, Mr. Veselin Topalov, Mr. Silvio Danailov” (Complaint of Mr. Carsten Hensel and Mr. Vladimir Kramnik) concerning the following facts Mr. Veselin […]
Test your GM knowledge
Can you name all these Grandmasters? How long would it take you to do it? Click here to take the worldwide challenge. This is brought to you by Olivier from Paris. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Very important endgame
White to move. Can White win this game? How should White proceed? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
World Memory Championship includes Chess
Top brains vying for world memory title…TODAY will see the start of a gruelling three-day competition in which some of the brightest minds in the world will be vying for the title of champion. The World Memory Championship (WMC), brought to Bahrain by Intelnacom, will test the human brain’s mnemonic skills based on 10 disciplines, […]