I started this specific blog on May 23, 2005, thanks to my friend Amy B!

Here was the first one: https://chessdailynews.com/2005/05/my-first-blog.html

Since then, I have posted exactly 13,000 items on my blogs! I am delighted to have dedicated bloggers from more than 100 countries. Chess is our common love and it brings people together.

My goal to bring you updated chess news, information, photos, puzzles, and much more daily. I want to promote everything chess, as long as it is wholesome, appropriate, and beneficial to our community.

And yes, I do have many other interests besides chess 🙂 as you can see from some of the posts on my blogs. I will continue to try to improve and make things better.

Big thanks to everyone for your warm support and valuable contribution!

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar